Regional Membership Testimonials

“In 2021, Shawnee Communications committed to build fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) broadband networks to three areas in southern Illinois, as part of Governor Pritzker’s Connect Illinois broadband program. These awards represent significant moments for our company, as we are undertaking a major fiber broadband buildout in previously underserved areas. Rural Partners sent a letter in support of our Connect Illinois grant applications, provided opportunities for engagement with key broadband stakeholders, and offered timely information relative to broadband programs at the state and federal levels. We are very thankful for the collaboration and support that Rural Partners has provided in a time of critical need for rural Illinois customers, and critical growth for our Company.”

Matt Johnson
Vice President – Government Policy
Shawnee Communications

“A network of knowledgeable professionals at Rural Partners is always ready to explore new sources of financing public infrastructure and share creative solutions for managing growth and change.  Access to this type of sincere, unbiased expertise is an invaluable asset for creating and leading an effective economic development effort.”

Steven Kline
CEO, The Economic Development Group, Ltd.