2024 Highlights
Building a Statewide Network
Illinois Rural Partners connects communities, not-for-profits, businesses, state and federal agencies, and others to create opportunities and resolve impediments to progress. Rural Partners provides networking opportunities, shares information via the website, publishes a weekly newsletter, shares success stories, identifies funding opportunities and ideas, and responds to requests for assistance and initiatives from across the state.
Member Events
Rural Partners sponsored the annual Rural Community Economic Development Conference hosted by the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs (IIRA) at Western Illinois University (WIU) and in partnership with the Governor’s Rural Affairs Council (GRAC). Many of our directors and members attended the conference and appreciated the content and contacts from across the country. Our annual board and membership meetings were held in person and we are grateful for the opportunity to network at our spring Legislative Reception.
Rural Partners continued the webinar series that began in October 2020. This series is offered in partnership with the University of Illinois Extension’s Local Government Education (LGE) program, and features state and national leaders providing information and insight into current and innovative programs, case studies, issues, and examples.
Community Showcase – Dieterich, IL
The Village of Dieterich graciously welcomed our directors and guests to host our Community Showcase. Our directors developed the event in response to a survey we conducted at the conference which identified rural house development as a priority. Leaders in Dieterich welcomed us to the Wright Family Center to share the story of their work as a MAPPING Community and how their efforts reversed a decline in population and school enrollment. Board members partner through our network to help educate on member priorities, share learning opportunities, and connect rural leaders to problem-solving resources.
Sharing Information through the Newsletter and Website
The Rural Partners weekly newsletter includes articles about funding opportunities, resources, programs, conferences, success stories, and more. Members and others are encouraged to contribute articles and information that can help promote your company, community, cause, or ideas. Visit www.ruralpartners.org, or email info@ruralpartners.org for the latest!
Keeping You in Touch with State Government
As a member of the GRAC (Governor’s Rural Affairs Council), University of Illinois Extension Partners, and other statewide and regional task forces, Rural Partners follows state rural development initiatives and funding opportunities, to share and address problems facing rural communities and businesses, and prepare for opportunities. Rural Partners provides a voice for rural communities and organizations through these and other statewide and regional programs and organizations.
Providing Leadership and Input to the National Organization, Partners for Rural America (PRA)
Rural Partners continues to participate and provide leadership for PRA, the national coalition of state councils. PRA gives Illinois a voice in national rural policy, programming and legislation, and opportunities to learn and share best practices nationwide. Rural Partners participates in Network State Briefings with the White House and attended the annual PRA conference.
Seeking Feedback from Members
Rural Partners seeks input regularly from members and others to help determine and prioritize state, regional and local initiatives.
What’s in store for 2025? Rural Partners will . . .
- ¬ Continue to advocate for rural Illinois with statewide leaders in Illinois and at the national level, including participation in the Governor’s Rural Affairs Council and the White House Network State Briefings.
- ¬ Support the Rural Community Economic Development Conference on February 26 & 27, 2025 in Springfield.
- ¬ Continue to sponsor our webinar series in partnership with the University of Illinois Extension.
- ¬ Host membership events, both in person and virtually.
- ¬ Sponsor Ag Day at the 2025 Illinois State Fair. See you there!